五月是心理健康月. 请致电免费评估- 844-991-9900

要求免费评估 844-991-9900



If you have questions that are not in our FAQs, please call 844-991-9900 我们很乐意为您提供帮助. 我们全天候待命.

我们了解病人, 还有家庭成员, 朋友, 推荐来源, 之前有很多问题吗, 在, 在住院治疗之后我们解决了很多常见的问题.

What Kind of Care Will I Receive at Hendricks Behavioral Hospital?2022-12-28T04:00:34-05:00


赌博排行前十网站为我们的成人双重诊断患者和心理健康提供专业项目,如寻求安全, 疾病管理和康复为我们的成人重症监护病人和管制区为我们的青少年病人. 这些治疗模式使有类似问题的患者有机会在精神科医生的护理下进行小组治疗.


治疗是建立在与病人一起发展和整合知识的基础上的, 识别他们的个体诱因和发展自我调节应对技能. The patient is motivated through active therapy, 作业完成, encouragement and motivation while supporting the patient. 对创伤的情绪反应通常会引发适应不良行为,这些行为可能会表现为攻击行为, opposition to authority figures or other harmful behaviors. 当病人接受反馈并发展健康的应对技能时,在一个安全的环境中是必不可少的. Key components of therapy include psych-education, relaxation therapy and helping the patient connect the thoughts, 感觉和行为. 成功的结果将导致患者在治疗中整合所学到的知识, how the patient relates to others and what they can expect in the future.


Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a short-term, 目前面向, 循证疗法用于治疗各种各样的精神疾病和心理问题, including but not limited to 情绪 disorders and anxiety disorders. CBT是量身定制的,旨在建立一个强大的治疗联盟,并强调治疗团队和患者的合作和积极参与. CBT是一种有时间限制的治疗方法,旨在关注当下. One of the core values of CBT is to teach patients how to identify, 评估, 并对他们不正常的想法做出反应, behaviors and beliefs in order to change the individual’s thoughts, 情绪, and behaviors to be more functional and healthier.


Medication Management — The attending psychiatrist will assess, prescribe and supervise each patient’s medication 在 their inpatient stay.

个案管理-一名治疗师将被分配到每个病人,以协助他们与协调后护理预约, 家庭及转介专业人士.

Group Therapy — We provide group therapy each day with a licensed therapist. 团体治疗可以是一种强大的体验,患者可以学习如何监控自己的感受, thoughts and actions and test them in a safe environment.

What to bring to the hospital when checking in?2022-01-31T17:24:42-05:00

Limit your clothing to what you will need in the course of a one-week stay. 建议穿休闲装.

Three to four changes of casual clothing without drawstrings. 例如,休闲裤或牛仔裤,休闲衬衫,或舒适的休闲连衣裙. Please note that offensive or inappropriate logos will not be allowed. Laundry access is available with laundry detergent.

A supply of socks and underwear that will last between three and four days. 请不要带筒袜或打底裤.

Bring one pair of comfortable shoes without shoelaces.

A sweater or light jacket, without drawstrings.

洗漱用品:梳子、刷子、除臭剂、牙刷、牙膏和充电式电动剃须刀. 如果需要,我们会提供洗漱用品. (禁止使用玻璃或铝制容器, 没有镜子, 产品中不含酒精, 不要用吹风机或卷发棒.)

药物:请带上你所有的药物,并提供你目前的处方药和非处方药的清单, 包括剂量和频率. HBH will provide medications on our formulary only. This may not include medications prescribed for certain medical conditions.

Phone Numbers: Bring a list of important phone numbers, 因为你在治疗期间不能立即使用手机.


  • Please do not bring jewelry, money or other valuables. 结婚戒指是合适的.
  • Any clothing with drawstrings is prohibited: sweatpants, 运动短裤, 连帽衫, 睡衣, 系鞋带鞋, 伞绳首饰或手表, 等. 裤子上也不允许系腰带.
  • 智能手机等电子设备, 平板电脑, 笔记本电脑, 收音机, 手机, 闹钟或其他有绳子的物品.
  • Your own pillow, sheets, blanket or stuffed animal. We will supply all the linens and pillows you need 在 your stay.
  • Food and drinks from outside of the hospital. You will be provided with regular meals and snacks. Any special dietary needs can be discussed with our dietician.

所有患者的物品将由合格的工作人员检查,并记录在患者财产清单上. 这张物品清单将与患者一起审阅,患者需要在这张表上签字. Hendricks Behavioral Hospital is not responsible for lost, 表中“病人保留物品”一栏所列的被盗或损坏物品.

What should I expect from the Admission Process?2022-01-31T17:37:22-05:00

When you first arrive at Hendricks Behavioral Hospital, you will meet with a member of our Intake Department. In an effort to keep you and others around you safe, 您将被要求将您的物品放在我们大楼内一个安全的地方. You will be asked to complete registration paperwork.

After the completion of your registration paperwork, 我们专业的心理健康工作人员将与您进行免费的心理健康和/或成瘾评估. 一旦评估完成, 我们的心理健康专家将为您提供适合您的护理水平的建议. If you will be admitted into one of our programs, a financial counselor will explain your current insurance benefits to you.


  • 州或联邦政府签发的身份证件(如果携带青少年入境,需提供父母的身份证件)
  • 保险卡
  • 紧急赌搏排行前十网站
  • 目前的处方药清单
  • 如果在家里使用CPAP机
  • 重要的电话号码列表
  • Medical Power of Attorney or Guardianship Paperwork, if needed
  • Legal documents proving legal guardianship for a minor

What to bring to the hospital when checking in?

  • 州签发的联邦身份证、保险卡
  • List of your current mental health providers or other healthcare providers
  • 3 to 5 days of casual comfortable clothing with no drawstrings
    • 1 pair of 睡衣 (no drawstring, must include a top and bottoms)
    • 3 pants or appropriate shorts (no drawstrings)
    • 3-5件长袖/短袖t恤
    • 2 sweatshirts, sweaters or jackets (no drawstrings)
    • 3个胸罩(无钢圈)
    • 3-5条内衣
    • 3-5双袜子
    • 1 pair of sneakers, slides, slippers (no shoestrings)
    • 眼镜,助听器
    • 药物:吸入器、避孕药和抗生素(如果你正在服用的话)
    • 您目前服用药物的准确清单,包括剂量和服用频率
    • 牙膏和牙刷
    •  洗发水/护发素
    •  毛刷
    •  除臭
    • 女性卫生用品
    • 首饰仅限婚戒(其他贵重首饰请留在家中)
  • 如果你没有基本的卫生用品,我们将免费提供给你
  • 所有的衣服必须有足够的遮盖. If staff determine clothing is inappropriate (too tight, 太短, 冒犯他人, 或者把这些物品弄脏了,我们会为你储存起来,直到你离开我们的设施
探访时间是什么时候?? 我的电话和上网特权是什么?2022-01-31T17:37:41-05:00

为了病人的安全, 工作人员, 和社区, ALL IN-PERSON VISITATION IS MODIFIED DUE TO COVID PROTOCOLS. 在此期间,将提供额外的电话和视频访问时间. 请与我们的前台核对.

电话: 患者将被要求向朋友或家人提供一个4位数的代码,以便在住院期间接听电话. 赌博排行前十网站将无法确认或否认患者是否在我们的项目中除非来电者提供相应的4位数代码. 患者将在入院时或在其单位提供一份经批准的联系人名单. Patients will be able to reach out to loved ones 在 designated call times. 电话通话时间可能会有限制,以便所有患者都能与亲人取得联系.

互联网特权: Patients will not have access to the internet 在 treatment. 这使患者能够在一个没有干扰的环境中充分参与编程.

外面的食物: 为了安全, 卫生和饮食管理过程, 在住宿期间,家人和朋友不得携带外带食品和饮料.


每个病人都受到 HIPAA (健康保险流通与责任法案)要求我们对病人的身份保密的法律.

The patient will be given a unique 4-digit ID number when they are admitted. 他们将有机会向他们选择的任何人提供他们的患者身份证号码. In the case you have not received this number, 请给病人留言,如果他们住进了医院, 我们的工作人员会告诉病人你正在联系他们. 接待员或其他医院工作人员将无法确认患者是否在没有患者身份证的情况下入住医院. If the patient does not want to provide their ID, this is their right and the phone call may not be returned.

我们努力包括朋友, family 推荐来源 in the care of our patients, but we do respect the confidentiality of each patient and adhere to HIPAA laws.

If you are a referring professional attempting to contact your patient, 请与我们联系,并要求我们的社区联络员提供帮助.

Will my insurance cover my hospitalization and/or outpatient services?2022-01-31T17:39:06-05:00

Hendricks Behavioral Hospital accepts most commercial insurance, 管理医疗补助和医疗保险计划, 健康印第安纳计划, 为21岁以下患者提供医疗补助, 医疗保险和TRICARE®. To speak with a financial counselor, please call 844-991-9900 and ask for the business office to discuss any financial questions.
